
Mission 3: Becoming superstitious

Many Latvian feels connected to their pagan roots - and it's not only during the midsummer festival, St. John's Day, when you can see that. It can easily happen that your friend won't shake your hand because you're standing in the doorway. Superstition is a part of everyday life, and thanks to the comments of many of my readers, I could finally enrich my life with some superstition. Here's a selection:


  1. If you left your home but you need to return, because there's something you forgot: You should look into the mirror."

  2. Photobucket

  3. If you whistle inside a room, you're inviting the devil."

  4. Photobucket

  5. "If someone wants to present you a sharp object (a knife or similar), you have to give him a symbolic amount of money in return."

  6. Photobucket

  7. "If bread falls on the floor, you must pick it up and kiss it."

  8. Photobucket

  9. "If you eat fish on New Year's Eve and put the fish scales into your wallet, then money will keep flowing into it during the year."

  10. Photobucket

  11. "If you place gloves on a table, you won't have money."

  12. Photobucket

  13. "You should always have a bit of money with you, because if your wallet is empty, the devil will come and shit into it."

  14. Photobucket

  15. "If you wear your clothes inside out, you'll get drunk fast."

These little animations were created in cooperation with David. Thanks also to Anete, Inese and Mikelis for their help. More ideas about superstition you find in these (Latvian) comments.
Want to see more of David's animated gifs? Visit his gifmemore-Blog.


Gnudiff said...

The bread one is actually not superstition. It is just the reverence to food as a consequences of starvation during the world wars and actually also during Soviet times.

The older the generation, the more of reverence there is.

degisen said...

"If someone wants to present you a sharp object (a knife or similar), you have to give him a symbolic amount of money in return."

sounds more like a pagan robbery. :)

pennaste said...

Hmm.. seems that you started to get ideas for these clips from statement no 8;))

Jurga said...


It is said that unless you paid some money (be it even 1 santim) your relationship won't be good.